Pregnant With The Nuggets

I have been putting off writing this blog. To be completely honest my pregnancy wasn't much fun at all, in fact I kind of hated it. I was really sick so writing this feels like re living it and it's something I try to forget. But here goes, as I know you would like to read about it. So I will put your needs before mine. Don't say I'm not good to you. Here goes it....

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Where to start?

Sooooo I'm here, glass of wine in hand with some awful TV on in the background deciding what should be my first proper, proper post should be. I know there is the I'm Anna Reeve one, but that doesn't really count. Ok, lets start at the almost beginning, I say that as I'm starting at the beginning of Jay and I, as that's the beginning of The Nuggets and they are what have led to this, my blog, Anna (yip I'm that un creative I just named it after myself, so clever...right?!) 

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